Host with the Most

Thanksgiving Leftovers – REVAMPED

Prepping all the food for Thanksgiving is no small feat. But no matter how hard we try, we just can’t seem to avoid the leftovers.  Though, I’m never one to complain about leftover Thanksgiving dinner.  Sometime the idea of trying to jazz it up into something different can be a little daunting.  We’ve got you covered!  Instead of spending Black Friday searching the web for food-spiration we’ve got all your revamped leftover needs right below!


Leftover Turkey…Turkey Egg Drop Soup

Take your leftover turkey and make this fun and unique spin on your favorite Chinese soup!  This recipe is actually my co-worker, Executive Chef Amanda Shook, I loved this so much when she made it for me last year and I just had to share it with you guys!

Stuffing…Smothered Stuffing Waffles

These are just the thing you need for an easy Black Friday Brunch when you need to recharge from all of the Christmas shopping you did that morning.  If you have leftover gravy from the big day…use that!  Any kind of stuffing will work so don’t be shy, break out that waffle iron!

Sweet Potatoes…Sweet Potato & Pecan Waffles

Okay…so sweet potato casserole.  Do people like it?  It is a tradition in my house EVERY SINGLE YEAR!  And the only 2 people that like it are my mom and grandma.  Which means we are saddled with a lot of leftovers.  I came up with this a few years ago as a tasty way I will actually eat . 🙂

Mashed Potatoes…Potato-Leek Soup

Okay, mashed potatoes are the one thing that I look forward to every single Thanksgiving.  I roast up A LOT of garlic, and add that to my SMASHED potatoes…come on people, it’s Thanksgiving…make your potatoes from scratch!  Though I would be perfectly happy eating leftover mashed potatoes as is the next few days after Thanksgiving, I like doing a quick and easy soup especially perfect for Saturday dinner after we’ve all gone and braved the cold to pick out our tree.

Have any amazing leftovers idea? Let us know!  We love hearing from you guys!

Thanks B.

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